Category : Child Care SIC : 8351
Detail : Day Care & After School Price : 649,000
County : Orange Down : 400,000
State/Prov : Florida Adj Net : 195,019
Country : USA Sales : 396,094
SPOTLESS and BRIGHT TURNKEY DAYCARE & ACADEMY for 140+ students! Located in a desirable area of Orange County, Florida, this established
business-only child care center and school serves infants through Pre-K and has school-aged care before and after school. This 120+ capacity daycare and
academy encourages learning and growth through play in an environment designed so that children may strengthen muscles, build coordination, stretch their
imaginations, and have fun. The academy has a great reputation and participates in VPK and Food Program. This turn key operation includes all furniture, fixtures,
and equipment, and a LIKE NEW 2015 PASSENGER VAN. The colorful and immaculate center has 5 seperate bathrooms, 5+ individual classrooms and a large
social area. Sanitization and other COVID-related procedures are in place. At peak, enrollment was over 140 students, but is down now due to COVID. Landlord has
reduced rent and the center remains profitable. Enrollment is increasing. This is a turn-key opportunity with room for growth. Experienced teachers and an excellent
curriculum in place! Superior neighborhood, lots of rooftops and more residential growth planned. Clean and attractive retail plaza (not a strip mall).
Reason for Sale : Focus on another project
General Location : Lake Nona, SE Orlando
Organization Type : ‘LLC’ Hours Owner Works: 40
: Years Established: 2 Years Owned: 2 Emp FT: 3 Emp PT: 1 Mgrs: 1
Non Compete : Miles: 15 Years: 5 Weeks Training: 4 Cost: 0
Operating dys/hrs : 6:00am – 6:30pm, Monday through Friday
Skills/Licenses :
Business is : Relocatable: N Home Based: N Franchise: N Lender P/Q: N
Data Source Annualized P/L Statement P/L Statement
Year (Cash Flow) 2020 (N) 2019 (N) 2018 (N)
Gross Revenue 396,094 599,299 765,145
Cost of Goods 0 0 0
Gross Profit 396,094 599,299 765,145
Expenses 282,056 563,723 656,824
Net 114,038 35,576 108,321
Owner Salary 50,500 46,000 91,000
Benefits 30,481 50,247 87,137
Interest Expense 0 0 0
Depreciation 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
Owner Benefit 195,019 131,823 286,458
Accounts Rec 0 N* Real Estate 0 N*
Inventory 500 Y* 15 Like New
Passenger Van 20,000 Y*
F F & E 26,000 Y* Total Assets 56,500 Y*
Leasehold 10,000 Y* *Included?
Lease/Month: 14500 Square Footage: 6500 Building Type: Retail Mixed Use
Terms and Options: To be negotiated with Lan Expiration Date: 12/31/2023
Loan/Assumable – Amt: 0 Mos: 0 Rate: 0.00 Mo Pmt: 0.00
Loan/Seller – Amt: 249,000 Mos: 84 Rate: 6.50 Mo Pmt: 3,697.51
Loan/Other – Amt: 0 Mos: 0 Rate: 0.00 Mo Pmt: 0.00
LUIS GUTIERREZ Office: (407) 787-0077
BROKER Agent Direct: (407) 738-7959
GUTIER BROKERS Fax: (407) 966-4393
7600 DR. PHILLIPS BLVD. Cell: (407) 738-7959
USA Home Page:


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