Category : Restaurants
SIC : 5812
Detail : Cafe Type Eatery
Price : 260,000
County : Osceola
Down : 200,000
State/Prov : Florida
Adj Net : 120,000
Country : USA
Sales : 600,000

Wonderful newly built bakery/coffee shop with top of the line equipment. Within 3 months of opening this business reached its break even point with minimum to non-existent advertising, only by word of mouth from current customers. Offering a wide variate of freshly made pastries and sandwiches along with deliciuous coffee options. Unfortunately current owners are in need to relocate and are looking for a new owner to continue growing this businesses to its full potential.

Reason for Sale : Relocation
General Location : Kissimmee Area
Organization Type : ‘LLC’ Hours Owner Works: 30
: Years Established: 0.5 Years Owned: 0.5 Emp FT: 1 Emp PT: 4 Mgrs: 0
Non Compete : Miles: 10 Years: 5 Weeks Training: 2 Cost: 0
Operating dys/hrs : Mon-Fri 7am-7pm / Sat-Sun 8am-7pm
Skills/Licenses : management experience
Business is : Relocatable: N Home Based: N Franchise: N Lender P/Q: N

Data Source Proforma
Year (Cash Flow) 2020 (N) (N) (N)
Gross Revenue 600,000 0 0
Cost of Goods 180,000 0 0
Gross Profit 420,000 0 0
Expenses 300,000 0 0
Net 120,000 0 0
Owner Salary 0 0 0
Benefits 0 0 0
Interest Expense 0 0 0
Depreciation 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
Owner Benefit 120,000 0 0
Accounts Rec 0 N* Real Estate 0 N*
Inventory 5,000 Y* ___________ 0 N*
F F & E 120,000 Y* Total Assets 295,000 Y*
Leasehold 170,000 Y* *Included?
Lease/Month: 7100 Square Footage: 2507 Building Type: strip center
Terms and Options: 4 (5) year option Expiration Date: 8/31/2023
Loan/Assumable – Amt: 0 Mos: 0 Rate: 0.00 Mo Pmt: 0.00
Loan/Seller – Amt: 60,000 Mos: 24 Rate: 10.00 Mo Pmt: 2,768.70
Loan/Other – Amt: 0 Mos: 0 Rate: 0.00 Mo Pmt: 0.00


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